Before Covid 19 pandemic physiotherapy education was based mostly on face-to-face teaching. During
Covid 19 pandemic educators have been compelled to adapt their pedagogical approaches moving to
digital education. Pandemic pushed the learners towards the online mode of learning. Digital Learning
Resources (DLR) includes websites, YouTube, prerecorded lectures or clinical videos, MOOCs skillbased
learning, PDF of books, etc. but is not limited only to these. This survey was designed to explore
utilization of DLR by physiotherapy students during pandemic and future prospects for the same. Self
made questionnaire was designed and validated with help of experts in the field as well as with pilot
study. YouTube content was most preferred DLR for physiotherapy students which followed by PDF of
books. Physiotherapy students promise future use of DLR, which indicate hybrid learning in
physiotherapy education field is here to stay. This opens door for technologies like machine learning and
artificial intelligence in physiotherapy education sector.