Indian economy is largely agro- based. Tourism is a recent phenomenon occurring and widely now recognized as a major industry contributing to G.D.P. Tourism not only brings the economic growth and development in the state, but it also has socio-cultural and environmental impacts; which may be positive as well as negative. The recent boom in tourism at specific destinations in India and abroad has shown devastating impacts of mass tourism on ecology, and environment of the region. As a major towards avoiding such ill-effects the government has already implemented measures like restricted season in wildlife sanctuaries, strict pollution control measures on islands (e.g.: Andaman- Nikobar). On one hand tourism as a sole revenue earning source for some regions and overuse of non-regenerating resource at destination, tourism development balance is a difficult task to be achieved. Concept of sustainable tourism development is need of an hour. Development of Special Interest Tourism is a step towards this. Eco tourism, adventure tourism, Agro-tourism is some of the forms of tourism emerging as trend setters in the industry. Due to the efforts of NGOs like Agri-tourism Development Corporation (ATDC), MART (Maharashtra State Agro-tourism & Rural Tourism Co-operative Federation Ltd.), Konkan Bhumi Krushi Paryatan Sanstha, in Maharashtra many farmers are getting substantial amount of guidance and promotion for their agro-tourism projects. Thanks to persistent efforts by all these NGOs that the state government is now giving attention to the need promotion and development of agro-tourism. As mostly agro-tourism is developed in the rural areas, the effects of tourism development on the life, cultural and environment are inevitable. Managing the tourist flow without negative impacts of tourism is a great skill. The agro-tourism destination Village inn Agro-tourism at Wardha is one such Agro-tourism destination which is skillfully managed to achieve sustainable development.