Rapid development of social media offers opportunity as well as challenges. Crisis
communication is one of the areas strongly influenced by the development of Social Media.
So it has drawn growing attention from Crisis Communication researchers. The purpose of
this study was to provide an overview of Connectivity and the role of new Social Media in
Crisis Communication, to help others understand future research directions in this area. The
current study examined the trends and patterns of Social Media in Crisis Communication
research published on various websites. More specifically it focused on the trends and
characteristics of Crisis types, Social media platform and the role of Social Media. The
various public oriented features of Social Media offer a more complex perspective on Crisis
Communication. The result indicate an increasing trends of Social Media related Crisis
Communication Studies. This study found that the social media can emerge in or amplify the
Crisis. This study also found that the researcher in this area mainly examined the effect of
Social Media use on Crisis Communication. This study discussed the connection between
Social Media and Crisis Communication and also importance of connectivity.