Tourism industry has shown a tremendous growth all over the world in the recent past and will continue the trend in future as well. Many reasons for the growth in the sector like dual income families, people are willing to explore new places, various motivators and purposes of travel, development of infrastructure and transportation facilities etc. India witnessed huge development in tourism sector in the recent past and the relevant infrastructure developed accordingly. Mass Tourism is a kind of tourism that indicates gathering a huge number of tourists in a destination. Mass tourism has led to displeasure among several tourists and them nowadays in search of alternate forms of tourism. Tourists are in search of destinations that are clean, peaceful, fulfilling their purpose of travel, and at the same time maintained responsibly not only by the local community but even everyone visiting the destination. Responsible tourism focuses more on the economic, social, and environmental features of tourism at the destinations. Considerations like green technology, reducing carbon emissions, biodiversity protection, and climate change are important parts of responsible tourism. As a comprehensive and universal industry, tourism can incorporate innovative practices of green growth to promote sustainable development. Responsible Tourism Practices (RTP) has become the most popular concept and principle for modern tourism development which will lead the sector in a sustainable way. RTP have shown some positive impacts like promote farming, fish farms and lotus cultivation, community awareness program and reduce plastic waste.