Those who work in the food industry know that the presentation of food is crucial to
satisfying diners, as the first experience in a restaurant is through the presentation. But chefs who are
too busy or who care about the taste of their food often overlook the serving. A creative and
thoughtful presentation makes the dish look as good as it taste, while there are no hard and fast rules
when it comes to aesthetics. Now-a-days social media is playing an ever-growing role in influencing
restaurant decisions, food needs to captivate an online audience if restaurants are to be creative and
remain competitive. The basic principles behind good design and presentation remain the same as
tactics evolve with new styles and trends. Developed in gastronomy schools and promoted by social
media, current food styling trends are taking on a whole new dimension. International cooking shows
have taken food presentation to another level. Primary data was collected by the means of a detailed
questionnaire complied by the researcher filled by 136 respondents from Pune city. food plating
affects the customers dining experience in various ways. Food plating is the artwork of enhancing,
arranging and redecorating food to increase aesthetic attraction of customers. Good food plating also
gives an advantage to the food by which the revenue of the establishment increases.